My name is Byron L. Warnken. I have been a criminal law and procedure professor for 34 years at the University of Baltimore School of Law. For 19 years, I have also maintained a full-time law practice. A major component of my private law practice is criminal post-verdict work, e.g., post conviction proceedings, motions for a new trial based on newly discovered evidence of actual innocence. During the last 19 years, I have had occasion to use a polygraph expert on more than 50 occasions. Whenever I need a polygrapher, I call on Dan Seiler. He makes himself available, even with very little notice. Dan Seiler will go anywhere that he is needed. My office is in Baltimore County, Dan’s office is in Washington County, and most of my polygraph clients are housed in the 11 correctional institutions spread throughout Maryland. Dan Seiler is an excellent cross-examiner. When being briefed by me or when preparing my clients for their polygraph test, he asks all the right questions to enable him to properly do the job and produce a useable result. Dan Seiler is so thorough “up front” in the pre-polygraph interview that he is able to advise me, before administering a polygraph exam, when a client should not be polygraphed because the client will not pass the polygraph. Dan Seiler is a teacher, making sure that he explains what he is doing, how he is doing it, and the significance of what he is doing and the results. I have even used Dan Seiler to observe a government polygrapher. Dan Seiler is so well respected that both sides use him. I have recommended Dan Seiler to attorneys on the Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys Association ListServe. A number of those individuals have retained Dan Seiler and offered glowing praise. If you need polygraph expertise, Dan Seiler is the man.
Byron Warnken