National Polygraph Association 2018

On January 21 to 24th, I attended the National Polygraph Association’s annual seminar.  The event was well attended this year in Las Vegas, NV at the Golden Nugget Hotel.

There was a great Case Study presented called The Pillowcase Rapist.  Christopher Hubbart tagged as the ‘Pillowcase Rapist’ was the most prolific serial rapist in the history of California.  Polygraph testimony played a pivotal role in his latest court case. The case presenters were Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Karen Thorp and National Polygraph Association Vice President John Odum.

Christopher Hubbart

Left – Examiner John Odum  &  LA States Attorney Karen Thorp

Aug 9, 2016 – Convicted serial rapist Christopher Hubbart was taken into custody, more than two years after his release that sparked outrage and fear from community members concerned about their safety.  The polygraph was used extensively to monitor Mr. Hubbart’s treatment after his release.  He failed several polygraph tests and after each failed test he made admissions to violating his treatment program.  Mr. Hubbard, in my opinion, would have raped again if his release had not been revoked.